Trout Lily Forestry Services offers maple production consulting to maple producers of all sizes.
Maple Tubing Installation
Wee are specialists in designing and installing maple systems that maximize efficiency and sap yield. We have spent thousands of hours in the woods and sugarhouse installing, maintaining, and operating maple sugaring systems. We are familiar with the newest technology in the industry and can use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the best placement for maple tubing while minimizing wasted material. Keeping up on the latest research, we are always looking for ways to innovate in our own sugarbush. We are happy to work with hobby producers and commercial maple operations alike.
Maple Sugaring Consultation
Trout Lily helps to identify room for improvements in an existing maple system and can help producers increase the quality and quantity of sap in their sugarbush. We answer questions and offer suggestions with the goal of increasing profitability and efficiency of each operation. We are happy to help you increase the vacuum in your tubing system, become Certified Organic, or work with you and your employees to develop best practices and enjoy a smooth and sweet maple season.
Maple Tap Counts
Before buying a piece of land or running tubing through the woods, it’s important to know how many maple trees are on your property. Trout Lily is the only business in the region to offer specialized maple tap counts. We will tell you everything you need to know to make informed decisions in your sugarbush. How many maple trees are there per acre and what is the average diameter? What is the composition of red maple versus sugar maple? How many gallons of syrup can I expect to make from this property? How many collection stations will I need and how many taps will flow into each location? These are all questions we can answer with an affordable maple tap count.