Trout Lily Forestry Services began in 2018 when owner William Dunkley decided to address the growing problem of invasive plants and meet the demand for invasive species management in the region. Since then we’ve expanded what we do and offer a variety of forestry-related services to landowners and land managers throughout northern Vermont and beyond. Bachelors degrees in forestry, thousands of hours spent working in northeastern forests, and care for the natural world guide our work. In recent years we started Trout Lily Contracting to diversify our business and meet the growing need for building contractors in Vermont.

William Dunkley

William grew up in Westford, Vermont, and his family has been in the Green Mountains for generations. He started Trout Lily after years spent in the forest, both working and studying. He has managed the family maple sugaring operation since finishing high school and graduated from the University of Vermont with a bachelor’s degree in forestry in 2019.